Saturday, August 21, 2010

i'm soo sorry --

not like i have like ANY freaking followers but sorry i've been neglecting you . i've gotten a tumblr and it's taken over my life --- and i LOVE it ! haha .. it's soo amazing . if you want to see cool stuff , get one !! they're great .

Thursday, August 5, 2010

alicen arizona -- *

sheesh -- where do i even freaking beginn !!!??? i have no clue ... alright -- you honestly are a really big blessing in my life .... i don't know what i would do without you ; i like that yur just like me and yuu never let me downn . we have been through alot and i'm thankful for that . i'm thankful... to have you . yur adorable and you make me feel not so ugly when i'm around you . we feed off of each other ; when one is sad , thee other is too . when one of us is threatened so is thee other . i like that when i came at you , you got buck right back at me . i like that you're young and i don't feel like i have to grow up so fast when i'm with you . gahh . this is alot but i like you alot sooooo... i like that you try to help me with *guys* ... even though it never works out . i love our midnight adventureesss yayyy , you are thee little sister i've always wished for . you are my mini-me :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

donnie lee -- *

alright , donovan lee .... sheesh , whatever can i say about this aaamazingg guy ? well first off , his skills on thee computer are nothing shy of legendary , he has sick ass photoshopping skills . he's goal driven and determined . even though he's younger he's DEFIANTLY one of my mainn role models . he's just so put together , and he lives his life to thee fullest , which is one of thee most important things you can do . p.s. if i have a boy -- i'm naming him donovan , after this kidd right hurr :)

tom edward -- *

is thee first boy to get a shoutout on my blog , kudos triplet :) well , there isn't much to say about this amazing talented young man , except that he's just that. but thee enormity of his amazing-ness is what shocks people . i honest to god get shivers EVER-Y-TIME this boy sings . it's like angels descending for thee second coming of Jesus . his re-makes of our shared idol , LADY GAGA blew my mind . and of course you can't forget his rendition of Beyonce's "Sweet Dreams" was amazing .i can't wait for your album .... oh and btdubs -- he NEEDS to be a male model , i mean seriously [look down hoee]

christine alicia , chrissie bae -- *

is thee most immaculately dressed , well carried , most desired and least snobbish person i've ever had thee pleasure to come into contact with . we were really close , she was my little sister , at thee beginning of her freshman year and then we just drifted , but throughout it all i kept my love for her as she grew and became better and way way badder .... i salute you chrissie :) i hope life is everything you want it to be , you deserve it . .. ps -- SHE'S A BADD BITCHH , get at herr .

samantha lynn -- *

is going to go places . that's thee one thing i think of when i think of this girl . even though we aren't best friends anymore , i feel as though i overlooked her when i was first doing my friend shoutouts . me and this girl have been to hell and back together . i've been a horrible friend to her and she's been thee golden angel she is through it all . when my life was in danger , she took action even though we weren't close . and at first i was infuriated but then i took a step back and realized , she saved me . so samantha lynn , i wish you thee very best in life and i know you will sucseed in anything you put your mind to . i admire you so much because you are strong and never abandon your values and morals for someone else's satisfaction . thank you for being my role model for so many years . i love you .

staci loucille -- * (artworkk]

she drew us :)

staci loucille -- *

is my girlfriend . my other half . even though i'm difficult she puts up with anything i throw her way . she's always down for a good time ; and by gods do we have a DAMN good time when we're together . i once told someone : "you think i'm weird and hyper now? wait `til staci gets here" she magnifies me and makes me stronger and better . we're vulgar , crude , rude and inappropriate and i wouldn't have it any other way ! btw , you might want to start looking for her artwork in thee years to come , she's amazing .

amanda lee -- i adore thee :)

amanda lee is my best friend in thee whole entire world . literally . if i need ANYTHING i can count on this girl to help me out through thick and thin. she truly has a heart of gold and if she's able to help she will . and if she can't she'll still try . i love this girl with everything i have . we have thee best talks and sooo much fun whenever we're together . when we don't see each other for a few days we start to miss each other , it's crazy . like thee sister i never had . and even though we've both been through alot of crap in our lives , i feel like we'll be better in thee long run . p.s. she's an AMAZING soprano and dancer :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

reinvention, yo :) !

so i've been thinking .. i'm tired of sarka . sarka has become me . it's no longer an alter ego ... i have tara lynn -- thee hippie child ; sarka xiomara - thee kick ass bitch ; and i need another ego to cover my feminine girly side ... any suggestions .
i came up with -- Alexiane Xexilia originally Alexiane Xavière but i couldn't re-find thee meaning or pronunciation of Xavière .

Alexiane means defender in greek and french [Ah Lex EE Ann]
Xexilia means blind of self beauty [ze zil ee ah]